I have been around holding a camera for over 40 years, now; almost thirty of those as a Nature photographer, wandering around like a dowser with his technological rod in search of harmony and beauty, bowing to the multitude of beings and sceneries as their equal, as someone who attributes the same dignity to each and every expression of natural life.
Since 2000 Exuvia is the home for my images on the web.
Vitantonio Dell'Orto is an Italian born nature photographer and writer, professional since 2000. From 2007 to 2021 he lived in Dalarna County (Dalecarlia), Sweden (the best time of his life) and now is back to his homeland.
Main Achievements
• Images, covers and tens of articles published in Italy and abroad; a regular columnist for the Italian magazine Oasis (2004-2008), as well as for Asferico magazine (2012-2015), for which he has also been editor and art director.
• Together with Ugo Mellone and Giulio Ielardi, he conceived and launched the online project Genius loci (2014-2017), in which 14 Italian nature photographers worked on their own local patch.
• Posters, calendars and stationery with worldwide distribution have been produced with his photos.
• Workshops, photo classes and photo tours led for years in Italy and Scandinavia.
• Awarded in several Italian and International photo contests; among them, overall winner in the Italian Nature Photographer of the Year (2000, “Landscapes” and “Flowers” sections). World Champion in Nature Photography 2001 with the FIAF Italian team at F.I.A.P. Nature Biennial in Johannesburg; the following year overall winner of the XV edition of the International Award by Associaciò de Naturalistes de Girona, in Spain. In 2006 second prize in the prestigious “Parco Majella” Italian Nature Literature Award for his writing.
• His first book "Le forme incerte” (The Uncertain Shapes), Pubblinova ed. Negri, was published in 2001. In 2010 his second book appeared: "My Sweden - Tales from an Italian photographer in the North" with the same publisher. 2012 sees his third book: "Wild Orchids of Appennino Pavese", a field guide made together with Thomas Abeli and Gilberto Parolo. He contributed to forty more books.
• Exhibitions in Italy and Sweden, both with personal exhibitions and taking part in collective ones. Also tens of slideshows, speeches and lectures.
Main Awards​​
Winner in section “Landscapes” in 1st Italian Nature Photography Gran Prix Award organized by Oasis magazine.
Winner in the section “Flowers & Plants” in 1st Italian Nature Photography Gran Prix Award organized by Oasis magazine.
World Champion of Nature Photography with the FIAF nature photography Italian team, in the F.I.A.P. Nature Biennial, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Overall Winner of the XV Edition of the ANG's Nature Photography Competition organized by Associació de Naturalistes de Girona, Spain.
Runner-up Prize in the section "Journalism" in the Nature Literature Award "Parco Majella", for the article "Bewitched by Northern Lights" on Oasis 164 (Mar/Apr 06).
Runner-up prize in the 3rd International Nature Photo Competition Asferico 2009, section "Plants".
Worked or collaborated with...
PAN Parks Foundation (H)
Naturum Fulufjället N.P. (S)
Idre Fjäll e Pernilla Wiberg Hotel (S)
Laponia Sami safarii (S)
Area Laponia World Heritage (S)
Destination Jokkmokk (S)
Arctic Image (S)
Jokkmokkguiderna (S)
Gällivare Kommun (S)
Mora Kommun (S)
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)
Annex Films LTD (UK)
Floramedia (NL)
Museo Cantonale di Lugano (CH)
Älvdalen Turism (S)
Fer. Ge. Vi. snc (I)
Photogem (I)
Corpo Forestale dello Stato (I)
Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale (I)
Parco Nazionale della Majella (I)
Parco Fluviale del Po e dell'Orba (I)
C.A.I. Club Alpino Italiano (I)
Università dell'Insubria di Varese (I)
Comunità Montana Valli Curone Grue e Ossola (I)
Comune di Rozzano (I)